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Tampa Garden Club

                                Welcome into the Garden!



            Located 2629 Bayshore Blvd, Tampa, FL 33629, Phone 813.251.5059, e-mail:

The Tampa Federation of Garden Clubs and Circles, Inc. is a member of the State, National and Deep South Garden Club Organizations. We have 14 circles and nearly 450 members. We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization . The Tampa Garden Club on beautiful Bayshore Boulevard is the home of the Tampa Federation.

Mission Statement: 

  • Building relationships through education, beautification and preservation of our community.    


  • Stimulate an awareness and interest in the value of gardening and garden club activities.
  • Attract a large and inclusive membership base.
  • Educate members and the general public on environmental and beautification concerns.
  • Create collaborations with other organizations with similar or aligned interests.
  • Provide philanthropic and community outreach programs.
  • Ensure financial stability for the organization.

Garden Club Links:



Copyright 2002, Tampa Federation of Garden Club Circles, Inc. 


This page was last updated 12/24/2008 .